TWRC Wildlife Presentation

Wild Birds Unlimited Kingwood

March 12, 2022

11:00 AM

Come meet Olive the Opossum, JJ Watts the Bull Snake, and other cute critters from TWRC Wildlife Center for a fun and educational experience at 11:00 AM on March 12. In addition to educational programs, TWRC "cares for both native and non-native Texas wildlife found in and around the Houston area, with a specialty in small mammals, migratory songbirds, small raptors and reptiles." Their goal is to "rehabilitate with the intent to release back into the wild." Listed below are some of the items that are most desperately needed every spring for their Baby Bird, Baby Squirrel and Opossum & Pals Programs:

Paper towels
Toilet tissue
Dawn dishwashing liquid
Heating Pads (without AutoShut-off: Sunbeam has one that is $12.99 - 15.99 on average)
Zip ties (varying sizes)
Baggies (quart and gallon sizes)

 Click here to learn more about TWRC and all that they do for our local wildlife.